Search result of "Ad" : 347 cases
We have renewed “Search” and added two new services! We hope you will find them useful for your company’s PR!
2022/10/30 9:21 pm
With the introduction of SmartMat Cloud, the company realized a 12-hour reduction in inventory time per month. In addition, man-hours related to missing items and orders were reduced and remotely automated for each department.
2022/09/28 1:05 pm
SmartShopping, Inc. Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.
By introducing Loglass, a business management cloud, the company has moved away from Google spreadsheets, eliminated security risks, and reduced man-hours.
2022/08/31 2:25 pm
The renewal of the automated warehouse system made it sufficient to operate 10 hours a day instead of 24 hours a day and improved the utilization rate to 140%.
2022/08/29 11:30 pm
Introduced “Koh-chare”, a comprehensive recruitment support service for high school graduates, enabling the company to hire two graduates on a stable basis each year.
2022/08/24 9:01 am
Developed an affiliate system for BtoB using the affiliate system “admage®”. Aiming to expand the BtoB affiliate market.
2022/08/11 7:59 am
By posting media materials on the “Media Radar” portal site and utilizing the batch download function, the number of business negotiations is soaring!
2022/08/05 12:33 pm