Search result of "Cost saving" : 10 cases
Work efficiency through automation of email correspondence reduced work hours by 50%, resulting in cost savings!
2022/08/17 1:45 am
By building a system around a cloud-based warehouse management system, the company succeeded in saving 460 hours per month and reducing costs by 700,000 yen.
2022/07/13 1:17 pm
Implemented Sumo Logic, a log management, analysis, and cloud SIEM solution, to achieve significant cost reductions and create a mechanism to reliably capture and analyze logs.
2022/09/26 11:58 pm
Revenue Skyrocketed from ¥1,000,000 to ¥10,000,000 through Outsourcing! Astonishing Results Achieved by Mr. Tokoi using conate Inc.
2023/12/18 2:11 pm
Introducing the user-friendly RPA “Robo-Pat”, they successfully automated approximately 70 types of tasks and reduced the yearly equivalent of 24000 hours of work in less than a year!
2023/02/02 1:56 pm
FCE process and technology Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Club Co., Ltd.
With the introduction of SmartMat Cloud, the company realized a 12-hour reduction in inventory time per month. In addition, man-hours related to missing items and orders were reduced and remotely automated for each department.
2022/09/28 1:05 pm
SmartShopping, Inc. Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.
Succeeded in reducing 10 hours of checking expense reimbursement. Shifted to high value-added work to realize an ideal accounting organization.
2022/07/27 9:59 am