【 AI-equipped non-contact automatic temperature sensor | Case Study】

The introduction of the AIZE Research+, an AI-powered thermo-equipped non-contact automatic temperature analyzer, has eliminated the need to assign temperature-testing staff and enabled analysis of not only temperature data but also visitor attributes.

*Check a case study at the related URL on the bottom of this page if the case study is not shown.

Detail of the article:https://aize.jp/casestudys/kiji_amagasaki/?fbclid=IwAR2xq3wvvUxbC8KGDwBjwiKYjCj9hIzC67Xg0X66rvGQUEHrW7_E0GOTPYc

Service provider : TRIPLEIZE CO., LTD.
Service user : Amagasaki Castle

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