【 Power Consumption Display Smart Device | Case Study】

SMARTMETER ERIA and SMART CLOCK were installed to visualize electricity usage, and by reviewing the usage of three devices with high power loads, annual electricity usage was reduced by approximately 17%.

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【 Summary 】

SAVOURY・JAPON S.A. is a food processing manufacturer engaged in the production and sale of frozen foods.
The company had known for some time that there was a basic charge for electricity but had not taken any particular measures, but they got sales from NIHON TECHNO CO., LTD. so they decided to introduce devices
The factory was divided into rooms according to work processes, and when the operation of machines with high power consumption coincided with each other, the factory experienced power peaks. The factory adjusted the work processes so that the operation of machines that consume large amounts of electricity do not overlap as much as possible, and switched the morning and afternoon work periods to avoid uneven electricity usage. As a result, contracted electricity consumption was reduced by 11.6% and the amount of electricity used was reduced by 16.95% after one year of implementation.

Detail of the article:https://www.n-techno.org/?p=3526&fbclid=IwAR3OQG_ksSrTgjyas-Hx0AKTjjgYO8zARtKsFyzI0ZIM8QFh0jV4Y3025hQ

Service provider : NIHON TECHNO CO., LTD.
Service user : SAVOURY・JAPON S.A.

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